No, no, and for the last time, no. Akhifer was tired of saying the same word over and over again, but the guy literally harassing her just wouldn’t take a hint. He kept asking her the same questions for the past hour. “Can we spend some time together? Do you wanna come to my house? Will you be my girlfriend?” The Captain was ready to snap at him and kick him out of her way, but unfortunately she had to keep her image as a captain and an alpha. She didn’t know how long she could keep going like this, though.
“I would love for you to bear my babies.”
That’s it. That was the breaking point. Dragons knew whether what he was saying was misogynistic or not, but Akhifer wouldn’t hear that out. She turned in place to face him, the fury written on her face forcing the he-carp to swim back a little.
“I don’t know what kind of kinks you have and I don’t care, but if you say something like that to me again, I will fucking tear your body open, pull out any intestines you have and shove them down your throat so far they will come out through your gills!” she warned him, her voice like a growl of a mad animal.
Several fish stopped to watch the commotion, while the harasser’s face slowly turned white as snow currently falling slowly onto the surface of the water. He did not dare to make a slightest move, except the automatic waving of the fins to stay afloat. Akhifer didn’t pay him any more mind and left to the destination she was originally swimming to.
Another male approached her, this time she was ready to throw fins from the start, but apparently she didn’t need to.
“Good job on making that guy get lost, Miss Alpha. Way to go! Have a nice day!” and he swam off without giving the Captain a second glance. Akhifer was confused, but shrugged this off as some random act of kindness and went on her day.
<Probably TBC, but no promises>
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