4 kwietnia 2024

Od Akhifer - "Males are so annoying" cz.4 (j. angielski)

The yellow she-carp quickly became wary of the strange male that has been following her ever since she arrived at the park. She did a few rounds around the park, returning to the same spot afterwards, and the man was always behind her. After those rounds, she knew it was no coincidence. At this point, she wished Elrad would arrive as soon as possible. Not that she wasn’t capable of fighting off a male, she just didn’t want to make a spectacle. And if that male tried to do anything to her, oh, it was sure to be a show.

Fortunately, it didn’t take long for Akhifer to see a familiar, green-red figure in the distance. She swam up to Elrad, a bit too obvious in her anxiety.

“Something happened?” the Medic asked in a low voice. Looking behind Akhifer, he noticed the strange koi hiding between some plants. “Oh. This psycho. Let’s go.”

Elrad dragged the female by the fin away from the park. They moved into more populated area, with Elrad glancing behind them from time to time. The Captain was curious, as to how does her friend know that man, but waited with her questions until they were safe.

“Who was that?”

The Medic looked at her with worry in his eyes.

“An ex… Well, friend of mine, I suppose you can say. I considered him my friend back in the day. Now, I can see how manipulative he was and want nothing to do with him. Except he doesn’t get the memo and stalks me to this day.”

“And what do I have to do with any of this?”

“He’s jealous,” admitted Elrad. “Of you. We were, ergh… We were supposed to be a couple. He claimed he loved me, but I was nothing but a toy.”

The man’s eyes drifted away, not wanting to face Akhifer. She understood his pain and was thankful he trusted her enough to tell her his story, but it didn’t erase the danger he, most likely unknowingly, put her in. She had enough power to deal with the jealous stalker herself, put him in jail or something, but with no other evidence than words, she couldn’t do anything.

Perhaps she could set up a trap for him.

“If he’s dangerous, we can put him in jail.”

Elrad’s eyes widened at the proposition.

“You’re not gonna use your… alpha privileges to do it, right? Please, tell me you won’t.”

“No, I won’t. But if he’s so obsessed with making you his again, we can easily use that against him. I’m not the captain of our guard for nothing.”

“Please, be alright.” the Medic pleaded. “Won’t this damage your reputation? You’re both a captain and an alpha.”

“Not if we do it the right way. I just need you to work with me.”


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